I mentioned in my Trippin' Tuesday post this week about our recent trip to Biloxi. With the conference agenda, my husband got a note to bring some door prizes. So, I got busy creating some Mason Jar Centerpieces and picture frames. (I'll post about the frames later!)
I had mentioned in one of my previous posts that I have a secret "frog" in my mason jar floral displays.
The hubs had some hardware cloth in the garage. Score! (SSSHHH! Don't tell him I "borrowed" some!)
I also borrowed his snips.
I cute the hardware cloth to fit the jar lid. For this size cloth, I started with a 5 x 5 piece, then snipped each corner so that there were twelve squares in the middle and and all the edges were open. (I basically cut the corners off.)
Then, I put the "frog" into the open jar lid.
This grid allows you to put your flowers in the jar and spaces them out perfectly!
I added one of my clay tags and some twine. Then, added three jars to this mason jar planter box.
Voila!!! The planter box came from Shanty 2 Chic! They have a great tutorial about how to make this from a furring strip!!! I hope the 2 winners of these are enjoying them! I also made extra jars so that I would have the perfect back-to-school treat for the school's office staff!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Announcing my 2nd sponsor!
I am so excited to announce sponsorship by Amanda Graves, thirty-one! For many years, I have loved thirty-one! I love their products, I love their openly Christian beliefs, and I love their support and empowerment of women! Three years ago, a precious student transferred into my classroom from a neighboring school. I fell in love with her, and I fell in love with her sweet family--especially her absolutely precious Momma! We have built a special relationship--and that is what Amanda does! She builds relationships---and she is amazing at it! She is a Senior Executive Director with thirty-one. She knows her business! Want to host a thirty-one party? Need a fundraiser? Need some extra income and want to join her team? Need your pantry organized? Just need a gift for you or a special friend? Contact Amanda Graves! She will hook you up!!!! And...speaking of hook ups...she will be hooking up one of my readers with a special back-to-school prize! Look for details coming soon!
I am LOVING thirty-one's new Spirit Collection!! And...how cute would you be showing up to that tailgate with these presh personalized bags!!!

I am LOVING thirty-one's new Spirit Collection!! And...how cute would you be showing up to that tailgate with these presh personalized bags!!!

That's Pinteresting Thursday...TAILGATING Edition
It's true what they say, football is a religion in the South, especially in the great state of Alabama! My Alabama/Auburn fan friends already have their fall calendars set, and, yes, it revolves around who they are playing and where! And, all those games you can be sure, center around where and with whom you are tailgating! Tailgating has been elevated into a true art form, and has even trickled down to high school games. So, football fans, here you go. A collection of yummalicious recipes and fan favorite decor to get your tailgating started right!
Menu: ham biscuits with mustard butter, beef tenderloin sandwiches with flavored butters, and mini muffalettas (Those beef tenderloin sandwiches remind me of the yummy ones at Taziki's in Birmingham! YUMM!)
white pizza dip, blue cheese bacon dip, buffalo chicken dip (A favorite with all my teacher friends--someone usually brings it to at least one faculty potluck during the year!)

Italian skewers, guacamole on a stick, and fruit skewers (Food on a stick is SO MUCH FUN!)

cupcakes, brownies, mini pumpkin pies

Cajun lemonade or Spiked Sweet Tea
And for a little festive decor....I've heard stories of tailgating on the campus of Ole Miss---involving caterers, interior designers, event planners. What a FUN job THAT would be?!?!
Then, for regular fans like me...cute cupcake toppers, football decorated utensil holders, and a cute pennant banner!
I found these cute "Real Girls Tailgate in Pearls" tumblers at Go Chic in Foley, AL.
http://shopgochic.com/view/?id=250# Their site has CU-UTE game day decor!!!!

I couldn't post about football without a shout out to my team! GOOOOOOO 'Noles!!!
Check out my Tailgating Pinterest Board: http://pinterest.com/leanncox/tailgating/ I will be adding to it as the fall gets into full swing! Have a favorite tailgating tip, recipe, or decor idea? Comment below!!!!
Menu: ham biscuits with mustard butter, beef tenderloin sandwiches with flavored butters, and mini muffalettas (Those beef tenderloin sandwiches remind me of the yummy ones at Taziki's in Birmingham! YUMM!)

white pizza dip, blue cheese bacon dip, buffalo chicken dip (A favorite with all my teacher friends--someone usually brings it to at least one faculty potluck during the year!)

Italian skewers, guacamole on a stick, and fruit skewers (Food on a stick is SO MUCH FUN!)

cupcakes, brownies, mini pumpkin pies

Cajun lemonade or Spiked Sweet Tea

And for a little festive decor....I've heard stories of tailgating on the campus of Ole Miss---involving caterers, interior designers, event planners. What a FUN job THAT would be?!?!

Then, for regular fans like me...cute cupcake toppers, football decorated utensil holders, and a cute pennant banner!

I found these cute "Real Girls Tailgate in Pearls" tumblers at Go Chic in Foley, AL.
http://shopgochic.com/view/?id=250# Their site has CU-UTE game day decor!!!!

I couldn't post about football without a shout out to my team! GOOOOOOO 'Noles!!!

Check out my Tailgating Pinterest Board: http://pinterest.com/leanncox/tailgating/ I will be adding to it as the fall gets into full swing! Have a favorite tailgating tip, recipe, or decor idea? Comment below!!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Trippin' Tuesday...Biloxi!
A couple of weeks ago, the hubs had a conference in Biloxi. You know what that means....the boys and I HAD to tag along! I have so many memories of Biloxi... both before and during the gamblin'-lots during the gambling! It's a very short trip from my hometown...and a fun little town to visit after work when you are single and live so close! Thinking back, I have NO IDEA how I worked all day, got in a car & rode to the casino, played a little bit, got back in the car and rode home, slept a couple of hours, and worked the whole next day?!?! Youth is bliss!! And before I offend anyone, please know what gambling is to me...it's playing the PENNY slots- and losing at the most, $40! Yep, I'm a high roller!! Ha!!!
Anyway, it is VERY different going with kids! The conference was at a hotel and casino. I felt like every time we walked through the lobby(which was NOT on the casino floor) that we were going to be arrested! We did find some fun things to do! The Imperial Palace has an AAA-MAZING rooftop pool! It is very resort-ish! The pool furniture is upscale and deee-luxe! The pool itself has several splash decks for little ones or for laying out in the water! It also has a huge movie screen sized tv! It was definitely worth staying there just for the pool! What do you think? Agree????
The boys and I had time to roam around a bit. We checked out the thrift stores in Biloxi and Gulfport. We went to a Goodwill and an America's Thrift Store. Both were well stocked with clothes---but we were looking for home stuff. Of course, we checked out some yummy restaurants! We went to Aunt Jenny's! We love that place! They have great catfish and fried chicken. My parents used to take us there when Jason & I would visit them when we were dating and first married. Sweet memories! We also went to Shaggy's on the beach in Biloxi! Yummy seafood and great atmosphere! It reminds me of Runaway Island that used to be on Panama City Beach in the mid 90's.

But...the highlight of all highlights was the newly opened Margaritaville Casino and Restaurant!!!!
The decor, as well as the atmosphere, is super fun! John Pierson loved this beach chair!!! The had balloon artists walking around on stilts making fabulous balloon creations for the guests. The boys HAD to have swords! Daddy wasn't too excited about their choices! HA!!!
Growing up on the beaches of the Gulf Coast, I couldn't help it---- I LOVE me some Jimmy Buffett.
The best thing about our lunch...Yep! HE WAS THERE, Y'ALL!!!! I've never seen him perform live ( I WILL one day)-but now I can say that I have seen him!!!! I hate that I didn't get a great shot of him, but I didn't have a great angle---especially since I had to have my babies in eyeshot! In fact I think I finally just switched the camera over to Auto because I was so nervous---and excited!!!
Our sweet waitress said that he visits frequently and hangs out at the outside sandy bar! I can't say I blame him! Check out this view!!!
The food was good-what I remember! I was so excited to see "the man" that I really didn't care WHAT my food tasted like. But in all fairness to the restaurant, it was good! I had a crab, shrimp, and mushroom cheese dip (it's an appetizer on the menu), and the boys had a Cheeseburger in Paradise! Robert said it was the best cheeseburger he had ever had, and he is a bit of a cheeseburger expert!!!
Our last stop in Biloxi was The Shed. I've heard about it, and it's been featured on Food Network. Why not??? It was a different kind of place. We went inside one of the buildings to order and another building to, ummm, "wash up" before we ate . All the tables are outside-----and we happened to be there during a heat wave. We went around 5 on a Wednesday afternoon. I'm sure this place is rockin' on Friday and Saturday nights. I would imagine it would still be a fine atmosphere for kids. I would love to go back in the fall on a Friday night!
We had a great getaway to Biloxi! If you're in Biloxi, check out our picks and let me know what you think-especially Margaritaville! Hopefully you will get lucky and see Mr. Buffett, too!!!! (Check out back to see if his plane is there!)
The boys and I had time to roam around a bit. We checked out the thrift stores in Biloxi and Gulfport. We went to a Goodwill and an America's Thrift Store. Both were well stocked with clothes---but we were looking for home stuff. Of course, we checked out some yummy restaurants! We went to Aunt Jenny's! We love that place! They have great catfish and fried chicken. My parents used to take us there when Jason & I would visit them when we were dating and first married. Sweet memories! We also went to Shaggy's on the beach in Biloxi! Yummy seafood and great atmosphere! It reminds me of Runaway Island that used to be on Panama City Beach in the mid 90's.

But...the highlight of all highlights was the newly opened Margaritaville Casino and Restaurant!!!!
The decor, as well as the atmosphere, is super fun! John Pierson loved this beach chair!!! The had balloon artists walking around on stilts making fabulous balloon creations for the guests. The boys HAD to have swords! Daddy wasn't too excited about their choices! HA!!!
Growing up on the beaches of the Gulf Coast, I couldn't help it---- I LOVE me some Jimmy Buffett.
The best thing about our lunch...Yep! HE WAS THERE, Y'ALL!!!! I've never seen him perform live ( I WILL one day)-but now I can say that I have seen him!!!! I hate that I didn't get a great shot of him, but I didn't have a great angle---especially since I had to have my babies in eyeshot! In fact I think I finally just switched the camera over to Auto because I was so nervous---and excited!!!
Our sweet waitress said that he visits frequently and hangs out at the outside sandy bar! I can't say I blame him! Check out this view!!!
The food was good-what I remember! I was so excited to see "the man" that I really didn't care WHAT my food tasted like. But in all fairness to the restaurant, it was good! I had a crab, shrimp, and mushroom cheese dip (it's an appetizer on the menu), and the boys had a Cheeseburger in Paradise! Robert said it was the best cheeseburger he had ever had, and he is a bit of a cheeseburger expert!!!
We had a great getaway to Biloxi! If you're in Biloxi, check out our picks and let me know what you think-especially Margaritaville! Hopefully you will get lucky and see Mr. Buffett, too!!!! (Check out back to see if his plane is there!)
What's Trendy Wednesday...Dorm Room Style!
College was such a wonderful time of my life! So many sweet memories and lifetime friendships made! This time of year, I always think about all the freshman starting on their amazing college journey! And, I have to say, I'm a bit envious of the dorm room style revolution that has happened! I remember we would just try to coordinate colors-and who was going to bring the refrigerator and who was going to bring the microwave. Some girls had matching bedspreads, but really that was as "styled" as we got! Now...WOW! The very lucky ones bring in their own interior designer to make their space pop! The big box stores have had their dorm room essentials out for weeks! I've noticed the jewel tones are super hot right now-fuchsia, royal purple, and jade green. And, looking what is trending in the rest of the marketplaces, I'm sure that every well-put together dorm room will have those same elements!
Chalkboards are everywhere! I saw some super cute galvanized pails with a chalkboard star in the dollar spot at Target! These oh-so-chic modular tiles pictured below are from Pottery Barn! These are so cute and would look great hanging on a door so all the peeps could leave messages. These would also look great inside to write notes to yourself about all the stuff a college student needs to keep up with: studying, games, dates, parties, etc.! :) Of course, you could make your own! Most brands of paint have a chalkboard paint in their line: Krylon, Plaid Folk Art, Martha Stewart, Rustoleum. There are also several tutorials out there about adding grout to paint to make a custom color of chalkboard paint. And...you can paint chalkboard on so many surfaces--glass, MDF, plywood, etc.
CHEVRON!! Wow! It seems to be just as hot as it was last fall! Riley Blake has the most beautiful chevron fabric! If you are local, go see sweet Mrs. Sue at Sew Close to Home in Harpersville! I was just in her fabric paradise, and she told me that she had just placed an order that should be in soon!!!! These just make me happy!!!!!

I have seen this image floating around Pinterest world for several months now...and I've promised a sweet girl that we would make it for her room (not her dorm room...her Momma is not ready for that!!!). I'll post pics as soon as we make hers!
OMBRE! I saw on ombré cheetah print comforter at Belk the other day! It was a really fun print! A little WILD for me--HA!--but super fun!

This one from Land Of Nod would have been more my speed in college.....
or this from Anthropologie. SWOON! I think it's safe to say that my Momma would have been very happy that Anthro was not around when I was in college!

For the preppy girls, Lilly Pulitzer! I love the line they created for the sororities! I might just have this tumbler or this scarf!!!!

And, for Squeal Day/Bid Day and the party scene-PHOTO BOOTHS! How much fun would it have been to have the "zap man" stationed at a photo booth?!?! They are becoming a party MUST! I found a super fun show on HGTV Saturday night-Junk Gypsies. To thank their customers, they threw a "Junk-A-Rama Prom". The Junk Gypsies created a totally presh photo booth with some old architectural doors, a bench, and some chandeliers. So much fun! Isn't that one of the best things about college..making and preserving memories???
Party City has an awesome photo booth selection that includes props, wigs, masks, and backdrops...and they areCHEAP very reasonably priced! I've been thinking about doing a photo booth-type activity on the first day of school! I think I might just do that, especially with a little help from Party City!

Happy Dorm Room Shopping!!!
Chalkboards are everywhere! I saw some super cute galvanized pails with a chalkboard star in the dollar spot at Target! These oh-so-chic modular tiles pictured below are from Pottery Barn! These are so cute and would look great hanging on a door so all the peeps could leave messages. These would also look great inside to write notes to yourself about all the stuff a college student needs to keep up with: studying, games, dates, parties, etc.! :) Of course, you could make your own! Most brands of paint have a chalkboard paint in their line: Krylon, Plaid Folk Art, Martha Stewart, Rustoleum. There are also several tutorials out there about adding grout to paint to make a custom color of chalkboard paint. And...you can paint chalkboard on so many surfaces--glass, MDF, plywood, etc.

CHEVRON!! Wow! It seems to be just as hot as it was last fall! Riley Blake has the most beautiful chevron fabric! If you are local, go see sweet Mrs. Sue at Sew Close to Home in Harpersville! I was just in her fabric paradise, and she told me that she had just placed an order that should be in soon!!!! These just make me happy!!!!!
I have seen this image floating around Pinterest world for several months now...and I've promised a sweet girl that we would make it for her room (not her dorm room...her Momma is not ready for that!!!). I'll post pics as soon as we make hers!

OMBRE! I saw on ombré cheetah print comforter at Belk the other day! It was a really fun print! A little WILD for me--HA!--but super fun!
This one from Land Of Nod would have been more my speed in college.....
or this from Anthropologie. SWOON! I think it's safe to say that my Momma would have been very happy that Anthro was not around when I was in college!

For the preppy girls, Lilly Pulitzer! I love the line they created for the sororities! I might just have this tumbler or this scarf!!!!
And, for Squeal Day/Bid Day and the party scene-PHOTO BOOTHS! How much fun would it have been to have the "zap man" stationed at a photo booth?!?! They are becoming a party MUST! I found a super fun show on HGTV Saturday night-Junk Gypsies. To thank their customers, they threw a "Junk-A-Rama Prom". The Junk Gypsies created a totally presh photo booth with some old architectural doors, a bench, and some chandeliers. So much fun! Isn't that one of the best things about college..making and preserving memories???
Party City has an awesome photo booth selection that includes props, wigs, masks, and backdrops...and they are
Happy Dorm Room Shopping!!!
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