
Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Craft Haven

We have been working on our upstairs since we moved into our home four years ago. My sweet husband finished it about 3 months ago.  It's a combo Man Cave for my boys/Craft Haven for me.  I needed it, too, with all the craft junk wonderfulness that I have!  My craft junk had been stuffed into 2 closets, under beds, in the corner...everywhere.  I'm slowly getting it organized!!!

Ribbon, ribbon, and MORE ribbon-I lost count as to how many rolls I had!  I've tried several organizing methods, and priced some solutions online (which were, ummmm, PRICEY!).  I had this great oversized frame I had bought at the local junk store.  Frame + curtain rods = Ribbon BLISS!

Confession:  Jason had to help me with this one!  Because the edges of the frame are not flat, he had to use the jig saw to cut into the frame to attach the rod hardware.  So...if you are going to do this project, choose a frame that has flat molding!  It will be a lot easier!!!

My sweet friends Cindy & Taylor of Connor Claire Frames gave me a frame for making some party pieces for a graduation party.  I had a couple of ideas what I was going to do with it...this is what I came up with!  MORE STORAGE!!!  Ok, girls, the peg boards are not JUST for your husband's garage!!  They can be cute, too!!!

I painted the peg board purple to go with our mustard/purple/sage Louisiana Mardi Gras room.  I added a little glue to the peg board and hung it up!  EASY!!!   I love the tea light holders that are hanging on the right side.  Target Dollar Spot ROCKS!!!  Connor Claire Frames are GORGEOUS!!  Check out their Facebook page! Connor Claire Frames

Here is the BIG picture:

And, no, it doesn't always look like this!  I cleaned up for y'all!

The boys also have a special place to create!  This is an old table that Jason cut to fit into the corner.  I painted it with chalk board paint!

Had to show you all this picture, too!  Check out the upside down person!!!  Think we might have some dyslexia issues?!?!?!?!  Oh, my!!!!  That's ok, this baby and my big one draw the most beautiful pictures!!!

I think Jason and I will one day have an apartment in a huge shop!  Half with all of his tools and stuff/half with tons of cabinets and work tables for me!  One day...but until then, I love creating in my happy space!!!!

PartyLIte Candles

Who doesn't love candles?!?!  They fill rooms with soft lights and yummy scents!  I was recently introduced to PartyLite Candles.  I've ordered the Vanilla Citron tea lights and can't wait to try them! PartyLite has a tea candle special going on through July 4th: twelve tea light candles for $5.  What a deal!!!!  Let me know what you think when you try yours!!!  We might just be doing a giveaway soon....

Be sure to check out my friend, Sarah's website!

Aren't these jar candles beautiful?!?!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fun Door Hanger

Hey, y'all!  I've been whining all day about the heat!  It was 105 today in Alabama....GROSS!!!  I feel like if it is that hot, I should have my feet in the sand and should be sipping on something fruity!

Anyway, our front porch needs a little love.  It's really sad!!!  I found this cute C...LOVE IT----and painted it with my ASCP in Provence that I won at Haven.  Those Annie Sloan Unfolded girls are AMAZING!  I sealed it with AS clear wax and added the burlap and muslin rosettes.  What do you think???


Can't wait to show you what else I have planned!!!  Hope you all are staying cool!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fourth of July Mantel Sneak Peek

Fourth of July is NEXT WEEK?!?!?!  How did that happen???  I feel like I just got out of school last week...but a whole month has passed!!  Geeeeesh!!!!  I guess I better get busy and get festive!  Most years I decorate for the Fourth in royal blue, bright red, white, and lots of sparkle.  This year, I wanted to go a little more rustic.  Go figure?!?!  So, I chose navy blue, barn red, and tan.  I'm still painting and putting all the pieces together, but I had to show y'all the garland I made.

Off to HobLob I went.  When I got there, I saw that they had already put out fall stuff.  (Confession:  I got a little excited.  Now that I live in Alabama, and we actually kind of have a fall, I really love it!)  I turned the corner of the aisle...and saw it....CHRISTMAS!!  Yep, almost threw up!  So not ready for Christmas!!  Back to my Fourth plans:  I started with 3 pieces of fabric, 1/4 yard each.  (Of course, it was on sale!)  I already had some thick jute twine.  Pinwheels are so popular right they were a great place to start! I found a box that was the size square I wanted to use and cut 18 squares out of the fabric.  Then, I glued two pieces together using liquid stitch.  (Glue wrong sides together; you could easily use tacky glue, fabric glue, or even hot glue.)  

I let the squares dry and trimmed them.  Then I cut the squares starting at the corners towards the center.  You want to make 4 triangular flaps, but leave a small square uncut in the center.   Then, I took a corner brought it to the center and put a dot of hot glue.  I continued doing that with the other 3 corners, then glued a button in the center.

After the 9 pinwheels were glued, I then hot glued them to the jute twine.  It still needed something, so I took the scraps from the squares and cut them into strips.  Then I tied the strips between the pinwheels.  I think the whole process took less than an hour, and I had a cute custom garland!

Here is the final product.....

It's just a start...but it's looking a little bit like the Fourth to me!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Adventures of Harley {Top 6 things to do when you are facing Alzheimers/Dementia with an Aging Parent}

I am working on some projects to show you, but tonight, I thought I would talk about something that was near and dear to my heart!   There are several events that ROCK your world:  falling in love, getting married, having babies, losing babies, and the illnesses and deaths of aging parents.  About 2 years ago, we spent the summer with my Daddy in and out of nursing home/hospitals.  He had suffered a heart attack and a "neurological" event.  He had been already diagnosed with Alzheimer's and dementia-this just made it worse!  We had lost my Momma 6 years before, so all decisions and plans were mine to make.  That summer, I was scared to death, but I learned a lot.  I had to!  The first thing is that these kind of events never happen at a "convenient time", nor are there manuals about what to do when you have to take over the decisions and affairs of an aging parent.  However, there are lots of people going through what you are going through.  So, here are the tips:
***Disclaimer:  I am NOT an attorney, nor am I a doctor.   As we have dealt with things with my Daddy, my prayer has been that I would be able to help someone else who was going through a similar situation!

1.  Get organized:
     *There are several "emergency family binders" floating around pinterest.  Make one!  The summer my  
      Daddy was so sick I had one, and I kept it with me because I would never know when I was going to
      need it!
      Things to include:  social security number, insurance cards, driver's license, list of medications, 
      list of doctors, notes from doctor's visits/ hospital/ER visits (think What? When? Where?  
      What is the diagnosis/treatment/prognosis? When did it happen and for how long?   Where did 
      the illness occur?), legal documents (see  #2), financial documents (see #3) with account 
      numbers and billing information, the name of the hospital's social worker (especially if you are 
      going to a nursing home), the name of nursing homes that friends have recommended, the 
      name of the home health agency if you are referred to them, and the final will and funeral home 
      information.  (The last mention is not fun to think about---but when you find yourself in that situation, 
      you will probably not be in the frame of mind to have to look for that kind of information!)
2.  Consult an attorney.  Find out what documents you need:  living will, last will & testament, power of
     attorney, check to see if you need to put your name on property and/or assets.
3.  Consult the financial institution.  Find out who can sign checks, what you will need to do if the hospital
     stay is extended, and, if you can, what bills are drafted automatically.  (Also, check the mail at the home
     and keep up with the bills!)
4.  If you are a medical lay person like me, tap into the knowledge of your friends who are doctors and
     nurses!  I am lucky that  several family members are in the medical field and my sorority little sister and
     several  dear friends are nurses!  I ask them questions all the  time!  (i.e. when he has a new diagnosis or 
     new symptoms, how much of this med should he really be taking, when he gets a new med--will it interact 
     with something he is already on???).
5.  Consult local law enforcement!  I've had to call his local police department a couple of times to ask 
     questions, plus I have a good friend who is an officer.  We have been battling with his driver's license 
     since he has been back home.  He does NOT need to be driving, and that has been one of the hardest 
     processes is to keep him from driving!!!!!!!!!  Some police departments offer a GPS device in a bracelet 
     that can track your loved one if they are a wanderer.    Also, if your parent is still driving, take advantage 
     of technology-GPS and cell phones!!!!!!!  Another sticky topic:  weapons in the home.  Make sure your 
     local law enforcement knows if the person living in a particular house and  is diagnose with Alz. or 
     dementia has access to weapons.  That is for the safety of everyone.  Due to the neuro stuff going on,  
     Daddy also suffers from paranoia and hallucinations and can be agitated easily!  And, obviously this was 
     an issue or I wouldn't bring it up.  That little deal is a good story---and so are his driver's license stories!    
     I'm sure I'll share one or two or ten along the way!!!!!
5.  Take care of yourself!  If you are not taking care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of anyone 
     else.  Know that the person saying all those crazy things to you is not your parent.  You will still see
     glimpses of that Mom or Dad  you love so dearly.  Two moments absolutely broke my heart.  The 
     first is when my Daddy looked at me and asked me "Nurse, will you go get my daughter?".  Then about a  
     month later seeing my Daddy in the nursing home dining room eating.  He was wearing a bib.  Find 
     moments to laugh and enjoy the beauty in your life---you will need to because there will be lots of tears. 

So...Harley??  That is not my Daddy's real name.   He had been in a wheel chair most of that summer, but he was finally able to come home in late fall.   As soon as he got home, he wanted me to take him to buy a in motorcycle!  He came home without even a driver's license!  He was able to drive for a couple of months, but luckily, his license has been taken away at least for now.   That "neurological" event had done a number on him!  My friends tell me that I should write a book because he has pulled some stunts!  

I know this is heavy stuff...but my hope is that I've helped at least 1 person!  Feel free to email me if you have questions!  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More Shanty-love: Wreath Hanger

The girls at Shanty 2 Chic made a precious wreath hanger.  I HAD TO HAVE ONE!!!  I told you I LOVE these girls!  I wish Pottery Barn or Ballard would snatch them up and make their projects available for all of us!!!   So, here is their wreath holder. is mine...

The parts....

the pieces....

a glimpse...

and there she is with a summer-fun rosette wreath!

The Shanty 2 Chic girls have a great tutorial on their site.  I made mine in a similar way:  paint, Gorilla Wood Glue, and a little elbow grease!  Oh, the possibilities!!!

What Teachers REALLY do in the Summer {or Planning for the Upcoming Year!}

I like change---I guess I get bored easily.  This is actually a great attribute of a teacher because one thing all of us teachers need to be ready for is EVERY BIG CHANGES!    Usually by the end of the school year, I've already made decisions about what changes will occur in my classroom for the following year:  new ways to teach concepts the previous year's class struggled with, what technology I'm going to incorporate, any new trends in culture to grab the kids' attention, all the way to the really fun stuff...the DECOR!!  And, Pinterest has REALLY helped!!  (Pinterest addict #1!!)  Here is a sneak peek into my classroom for the 2012-2013 school year.....

My inspiration is from this great series that I had been wanting to read for a year or so now.  I read both books in 3 days....the rest of the books are on my summer reading list!  I also LOVE Disney.  C'mon?!?!  Who doesn't love Mickey!!  Minnie is one lucky girl!!!  However, I teach 5th grade.  You know, the BIG DAWGS, so, the decor has to be totally cool!  I'm giving a nod to the Mouse himself with this color scheme.  Not a surprise, but outside of my usual palette.   Although, I have a little  red, white, & black in my past--Alpha Love!

Tulle....just tulle.  Definitely need some pattern in there-that will be on my list to pick up!  I also want to add some silver into the mix!

I did find these little fun things at Michael's.  Think I might use them for my "Bucket Fillers" display but will need to pick up some more!

I found these fun items in the scrapbook sections of my faves, Hobby Lobby and Michaels.

....and for a little ribbon action!  

What in the world???  Thumb tacks and clothespins??  I promise it is NOT for anything "unprofessional"!!  We have cork strips outside of our classrooms to hang student work.  I saw on Pinterest, of course, that someone had glued thumbtacks onto the backs of clothespins.  GENIUS!!!  My billboard crew, aka the kids who are in charge of putting all the other kids' work in the hall for me, will be able to use these efficiently.  All they will have to do is move the clips around and attach the students' work.     Ea---zy     Pe---azy!!

Here is the finished product!  I love how they turned out!  I made 50 of them just in case....
I can't wait to create some more Disney Magic!  I have GREAT things planned for my door--will even be placing some "Hidden Mickey's" around the room!   Oh---I can't wait to show you how I'm going to incorporate the princesses!  If you have decorated your classroom or child's room in a Disney theme, I would love to hear what you did!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

That's Pinteresting!

If you read my earlier post about Thrifting, you know that I am obsessed with Pinterest!  Those of you who get to plan a wedding in the age of pinterest---I'm totally jealous.  Although, I probably would have never gotten down the aisle because I would have been in the Bride's room making "one more project"!!!  This is a wedding announcement I found in Pinterest land that I replicated...

Yep, my girls at Shanty 2 Chic hit another home run.  Here is my version...
It still needs a little something....burlap flowers?  Nah, think I might add some words like the Shanty girls did.  Maybe a little "Faith, Hope, & Charity.  What would you add?????

LeAnn meet Annie Sloan!

About a year ago, when I dove head first into blogging world, I saw that everyone was using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  I LOVE to paint, but like most people, hate the prep work!  So as soon as I found it, I HAD TO HAVE IT!!!  I am so fortunate to live near a ASCP stockist, Stacey at  Faux Studio Designs.   I paid a little visit to her store in Pelham.  I bought some paint and signed up for a painting class!!  Here is what we did:

I learned to "Annie lamps".  LOVE how this little baby turned out!  I think this is Provence with dark wax on top!

Then we "Annie'd" a plain old piece of plywood!  Old White & Paris LOVE!!   For those of you who do not know Annie yet, she does this stenciling treatment inside the furniture she paints.  She stencils randomly with different paints and different patterns.  Of course, mine is just an attempt at greatness!

We painted a piece of molding.  This sweet little thing now has a knob on it and hangs in my house!

Our final project was to "Annie" a cabinet door.  This is Old White and Duck Egg Blue with dark wax on top.  My dream home is a little farmhouse with cabinets that look like THIS!!!

Anyway, for my Birmingham friends, go meet Stacey at Faux Studio Designs.  She is so ridiculously talented.  You can check out her work at Annalyce's Bake Shop on 280.  (The "granite" countertop---it's not granite.  Stacey painted it to look like granite!!!)  It will give you an excuse to get a cupcake; I mean do research!!!

More Rustic Chic

More burlap and other fun stuff...this is a burlap w/ toile ruffle I made.  LOVE the combo--the rustic-i-ness of the burlap paired with the refinement of the toile!  LOVE me some toile, too!!!  I threw in another few random craftiness projects that I have done....the next is a canvas door hanger to match my sweet buddy, Will's, birthday invite!  Then, a purple heart wire mesh door hanger for my sassy friend, Madi Claire!  Finally, another burlap door hanger that I did last year for Thanksgiving!!!  Enjoy!!!

Rustic burlap line

Here is my ode to the burlap door hanger craze! I LOVE making these--in fact, I have a couple orders I need to fill!  If you would like one, email me!!!