
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wicker Chair Re-do

I hope you all had a super fantastic Fourth!!!  We will be eating left overs for a week!!

About a week ago, I was at one of my favorite thrift stores and spotted this sweet thing.

Weird photog angle--anyway, yes, it came home with me!!!  A few days later, I was looking around one of my favorite boutique sites and saw these:

Remember that ASCP Provence C door hanger that I made for my front porch?  Well, he needed a friend!  Off to Home Depot I went!  I found the perfect paint in the Rustoleum aisle, Painter's Touch Green Apple!!! This girl was so excited to get home and get busy!!!

The best part:  the above 2 chairs listed for about $300 each.  No, I am NOT that crazy!  This little thing didn't even cost me 1/10 of that!!!  Just a little proud of myself!!  

Happy Thrifting!  For my Birmingham friends, there is a Thrifting event this weekend at area stores!  Make sure you check it out!!!


  1. Looks completely different! Great job!

    1. Thanks, Danielle!! I made a pillow for it that I'm going to feature tomorrow!!! My porch is coming together!!!!
